Heikki, 30, Finnish student of computer engineering. Found Less Wrong by via the IRC-channel of the Finnish Transhumanist Association, which was found by random surfing (“Oh, there’s a name for what I am?”)
As for becoming a rationalist, I’d say the recipe was no friends and a good encyclopedia… Interest in ideas, unhindered by the baggage of standard social activities. One of the most influential single things was probably finding evolution quite early on. I remember (might be a false memory) having thought it would sure make sense if a horse’s hoof was just one big toe, and then finding the same classic observation explained in the mentioned encyclopedia… That or dinosaurs. Anyway, fast forward via teenage bible-bashing and a fair amount of (hard) scifi etc. to now being here.
As the first sentence might suggest, I’m not doing nor have done anything of much interest to anyone. Well. Back to lurking, thanks to SilasBarta for the friendly welcome :) .
Heikki, 30, Finnish student of computer engineering. Found Less Wrong by via the IRC-channel of the Finnish Transhumanist Association, which was found by random surfing (“Oh, there’s a name for what I am?”)
As for becoming a rationalist, I’d say the recipe was no friends and a good encyclopedia… Interest in ideas, unhindered by the baggage of standard social activities. One of the most influential single things was probably finding evolution quite early on. I remember (might be a false memory) having thought it would sure make sense if a horse’s hoof was just one big toe, and then finding the same classic observation explained in the mentioned encyclopedia… That or dinosaurs. Anyway, fast forward via teenage bible-bashing and a fair amount of (hard) scifi etc. to now being here.
As the first sentence might suggest, I’m not doing nor have done anything of much interest to anyone. Well. Back to lurking, thanks to SilasBarta for the friendly welcome :) .