I think that altruists concerned about the far future should consider investing and earning market returns for as long as possible, before leveraging a much-increased share of the future economy to further their own interests.
Wait, really? I’m really confused by this. How do you measure “as long as possible”? If you know you are in a bubble, and I think you and I can agree that we are in a pre-singularity bubble*, then doesn’t it make sense to not wait too long? Or at the very least set some threshold, e.g. liquidate all your assets with <10% chance of singularity happening before that time?
By that I mean there are multiple events (good and bad) that can make all your investments worthless and you are very uncertain of the timing of the event.
Wait, really? I’m really confused by this. How do you measure “as long as possible”? If you know you are in a bubble, and I think you and I can agree that we are in a pre-singularity bubble*, then doesn’t it make sense to not wait too long? Or at the very least set some threshold, e.g. liquidate all your assets with <10% chance of singularity happening before that time?
By that I mean there are multiple events (good and bad) that can make all your investments worthless and you are very uncertain of the timing of the event.