And it is an even better introduction to proper experiment design. In particular, it argues eloquently for a very clear distinction between exploratory and confirmatory experiments. This distinction should be drilled into every junior undergrad, but somehow even world-famous experimental psychologists can miss it. Now, if we asked Daryl Bem about this, he would probably say that all his experiments were exploratory, and now it is the task of the research community to confirm or reject them. But the problem is, he used significance tests that were only suitable for confirmatory experiments.
That article is actually a really good introduction to the advantages of Bayesian statistics in experiments over the regular p-value approach.
And it is an even better introduction to proper experiment design. In particular, it argues eloquently for a very clear distinction between exploratory and confirmatory experiments. This distinction should be drilled into every junior undergrad, but somehow even world-famous experimental psychologists can miss it. Now, if we asked Daryl Bem about this, he would probably say that all his experiments were exploratory, and now it is the task of the research community to confirm or reject them. But the problem is, he used significance tests that were only suitable for confirmatory experiments.