Anki (Memorization Software) for Beginners

  • [Open in Google Maps] [Open in local app]
  • 25 January 2020, 1:00 pm—2:30 pm
  • Berkeley REACH (Ra­tion­al­ity and Effec­tive Altru­ism Com­mu­nity Hub), Shat­tuck Av­enue, Berkeley, CA, USA
  • Contact: arthur@mil­

Please bring either (or both!) a laptop or a smartphone for this event!

Anki is a spaced-repetition software that helps people to remember things in the long term. For example, Anki is often used to learn foreign languages and medicine, which both require a lot of memorization. Starting to use Anki may be a little bit tricky and the goal of this event is to help you explore and try the software to see whether you like it.

For the first part, I’ll help guide the audience through setting up Anki.

Then, I’ll quickly show personal examples explaining how Anki changed my life in many ways, to illustrate what can be done with it. For example:

  • I now remember the name of people I meet,

  • I can finally play some music without music sheets, and

  • when I start studying more of a topic after a few months of pauses (mathematics, CS, music theory,...) I don’t forget everything I learned months ago!

Afterwards, I will be available to answer any beginner question (if there is any question you already know you have, please ask it to or in comment below, or on facebook. I’ll check all of those).

If you are curious and can’t attend, all examples are on http://​​​​blog_en/​​index.php/​​category/​​Anki

Hosts’ bio

I’ve used anki since 2016 and uses it daily. I contributed to Anki and Ankidroid (for Android) code. I also created add-ons for anki which have been downloaded 40 thousand times.