I will become famous by telling the world this news
I can probably get a professor job off the back of this research
The open question of why they became intelligent will lead to alien conspiracy theories
Religions will claim that God must have done this
Some people will say this is proof we are in a simulation
New businesses will start up to exploit the intelligent ants
Interfaces will be built to communicate with the ants
Some people will say it is a conspiracy theory and the ants aren’t really smart
The research will lead to advances in swarm computing
I’ll doubt my research and have to check it over again
We will need to make peace with ant kind—they would win in a war
Ant kind will start communicating with each other and making their own culture
Governments might try and stop the ants from communicating
Some people will ally with the ants, running secret anthills
Someone will develop a way for ants to access the internet
Will the ants have emotions?
New religions will form that incorporate ant and human kind
We can send ant colonies in spaceships more easily than people
Ant colony pilots
Ants will take over some areas of the economy that they are suited to
People will protest about ants taking their jobs
We can send GM ant colonies to Mars and other planets
We can use ants to spy on people
Eating ants will become a weird fetish for some people
Anti-ant areas will be setup with strict regulations to prevent ants from getting in
Governments will suspect each other of creating the intelligent ants
Ant colonies will start to work together, creating mega-colonies
The entire Amazon will become a giant ant hive mind
There will be peace accords between different species of ants
People will investigate if bees and other hive type species are also intelligent
There will be an ant made novel
Studying ants will lead to leaps forward in AI
Someone will run an ant Turing test
Adam Ant will have a pop revival
Some people will deify the ants and live by their dictates
Some ant colonies will become particularly famous
It will become fashionable to have an ant colony companion in your home
Artists will collaborate with ants to generate intricate 3d sculptures
The first ant politician will be elected
There will be a human ant war
Some people will move to cold places that have less ants
Alex Jones will invent some conspiracy theory about ants
The ant news will be drowned out by the US election
There will be films made about ant kind
There will be human-ant romances
People will develop pheromone sprays to influence the ants
Some ant hives will become addicted to pheromone sprays
The bill of human rights will be extended to include ant rights
Studying ant hives will lead to advances in neuroscience
Whole new university departments will be created to study ants
(Note that you need spoiler tags fr your answers. I edit yours to add one)
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I will become famous by telling the world this news
I can probably get a professor job off the back of this research
The open question of why they became intelligent will lead to alien conspiracy theories
Religions will claim that God must have done this
Some people will say this is proof we are in a simulation
New businesses will start up to exploit the intelligent ants
Interfaces will be built to communicate with the ants
Some people will say it is a conspiracy theory and the ants aren’t really smart
The research will lead to advances in swarm computing
I’ll doubt my research and have to check it over again
We will need to make peace with ant kind—they would win in a war
Ant kind will start communicating with each other and making their own culture
Governments might try and stop the ants from communicating
Some people will ally with the ants, running secret anthills
Someone will develop a way for ants to access the internet
Will the ants have emotions?
New religions will form that incorporate ant and human kind
We can send ant colonies in spaceships more easily than people
Ant colony pilots
Ants will take over some areas of the economy that they are suited to
People will protest about ants taking their jobs
We can send GM ant colonies to Mars and other planets
We can use ants to spy on people
Eating ants will become a weird fetish for some people
Anti-ant areas will be setup with strict regulations to prevent ants from getting in
Governments will suspect each other of creating the intelligent ants
Ant colonies will start to work together, creating mega-colonies
The entire Amazon will become a giant ant hive mind
There will be peace accords between different species of ants
People will investigate if bees and other hive type species are also intelligent
There will be an ant made novel
Studying ants will lead to leaps forward in AI
Someone will run an ant Turing test
Adam Ant will have a pop revival
Some people will deify the ants and live by their dictates
Some ant colonies will become particularly famous
It will become fashionable to have an ant colony companion in your home
Artists will collaborate with ants to generate intricate 3d sculptures
The first ant politician will be elected
There will be a human ant war
Some people will move to cold places that have less ants
Alex Jones will invent some conspiracy theory about ants
The ant news will be drowned out by the US election
There will be films made about ant kind
There will be human-ant romances
People will develop pheromone sprays to influence the ants
Some ant hives will become addicted to pheromone sprays
The bill of human rights will be extended to include ant rights
Studying ant hives will lead to advances in neuroscience
Whole new university departments will be created to study ants
(Note that you need spoiler tags fr your answers. I edit yours to add one)