These facts, except for the one about alcohol, can be summarized as “We can’t control our environment as much as we thought.” Being able to strongly control our environment using methods that seem obvious and reasonable would be nice, so it would be nice if these facts were false.
Another possibility is that pleasure is a better guide than the people who want to give advice tend to believe.
The common advice isn’t always anti-pleasure (get enough sleep!), but a lot of it is. The get enough sleep part might be better directed to employers—give your employees a chance to get enough sleep!
Why would you hate any of these facts?
These facts, except for the one about alcohol, can be summarized as “We can’t control our environment as much as we thought.” Being able to strongly control our environment using methods that seem obvious and reasonable would be nice, so it would be nice if these facts were false.
Another possibility is that pleasure is a better guide than the people who want to give advice tend to believe.
The common advice isn’t always anti-pleasure (get enough sleep!), but a lot of it is. The get enough sleep part might be better directed to employers—give your employees a chance to get enough sleep!