I consider “lots of mildly upvoted quotes” to be a failure mode of this thread. It becomes a place where one can too easily come and spend a lot of time reading things of little value. Alternatively, it becomes a place where one doesn’t bother to come, because the good stuff is drowned out by the mediocre stuff. Rate-limiting posters seems like a pretty good way to avoid this failure mode.
I consider “lots of mildly upvoted quotes” to be a failure mode of this thread. It becomes a place where one can too easily come and spend a lot of time reading things of little value. Alternatively, it becomes a place where one doesn’t bother to come, because the good stuff is drowned out by the mediocre stuff. Rate-limiting posters seems like a pretty good way to avoid this failure mode.
I didn’t see it that way. I’ll think over this.