Because the people who have been explicitly racist to me, where that racism has not been intended to humour me, have been people who they themselves aren’t successful. This helped me realise this discrepancy and adjust the credence I give to that perspective that my racial identity makes me worth less as a person. Conversely, it suggests the pride in my racial identity that I attribute to the success of other people of my race is misplaced and that I ought to earn my own.
Because the people who have been explicitly racist to me, where that racism has not been intended to humour me, have been people who they themselves aren’t successful. This helped me realise this discrepancy and adjust the credence I give to that perspective that my racial identity makes me worth less as a person. Conversely, it suggests the pride in my racial identity that I attribute to the success of other people of my race is misplaced and that I ought to earn my own.
People who are successful and want to be racist to you might not be obvious about it. They could smile at you and then just not hire you or whatever.
I don’t believe that kind of racism is so big a deal. Its like the racial equivalent of second gen feminism.