I don’t see the words “perfect copy” or even just “copy” used anywhere in the article, only simulation and representation. That consciousness can be produced in a traditional silicon computer via an algorithm merely isomorphic to the processes in the human brain is an assumption I don’t yet grant.
Correct, but I did in item one postulate “a human consciousness”.
Is a human consciousness not a person, merely because it is a simulated human consciousness?
That consciousness can be produced in a traditional silicon computer via an algorithm merely isomorphic to the processes in the human brain is an assumption I don’t yet grant.
I think you and I are using very different understandings of what postulated item #1 meant.
I understand “perfect copy” to mean that it is the thing it is a copy of—functionally and observationally indistinguishable.
I don’t see the words “perfect copy” or even just “copy” used anywhere in the article, only simulation and representation. That consciousness can be produced in a traditional silicon computer via an algorithm merely isomorphic to the processes in the human brain is an assumption I don’t yet grant.
Correct, but I did in item one postulate “a human consciousness”.
Is a human consciousness not a person, merely because it is a simulated human consciousness?
I think you and I are using very different understandings of what postulated item #1 meant.