I suspect that the long days break down some of your usual defences. It makes their techniques more effective, but you may not want to provide them with this power over you.
I personally feel less concerned by the long hours than by the notion of “psychological hacks” that lead to testimonials like, “What is, is; and what isn’t isn’t”. That stuff makes me imagine some kind of “leap of faith” maneuver, which I usually see as unreliable and prone to misfiring.
The Western focus on individuality and autonomy can be limiting as often a push is exactly what we need. This may explain part of why they were able to achieve what seemed like remarkable results—psychologists are limited by ethics in a way in which Landmark is not.
Yeah, this is plausible. It’s easy to imagine scenarios where a push from a trusted friend is exactly what I want. However, I’m still wary of hiring an organization of strangers to overpower my narratives & worldview using psychological hacks.
Contrast with certain types of meditation, whereby you can directly observe evidence that challenges your narrative, without ever doing anything epistemically questionable.
I personally feel less concerned by the long hours than by the notion of “psychological hacks” that lead to testimonials like, “What is, is; and what isn’t isn’t”. That stuff makes me imagine some kind of “leap of faith” maneuver, which I usually see as unreliable and prone to misfiring.
Yeah, this is plausible. It’s easy to imagine scenarios where a push from a trusted friend is exactly what I want. However, I’m still wary of hiring an organization of strangers to overpower my narratives & worldview using psychological hacks.
Contrast with certain types of meditation, whereby you can directly observe evidence that challenges your narrative, without ever doing anything epistemically questionable.