We also rely on the property that, because the honest and dishonest debaters are copies of each other, they know everything the other knows.
I don’t see why being copies of each other implies that they know everything the other knows: they could (rationally) spend their computation on understanding the details of their position, rather than their opponent’s position.
For example, if I was playing against a copy of myself, where we were both given separate puzzles and had to solve them faster than the other, I would spend all my time focusing on my puzzle, and wouldn’t know the things that my copy knows about his puzzle (even if we have the same information, i.e. both of us can see both puzzles and even each other’s inner thought process).
The intuitive idea is to share activations as well as weights, i.e. to have two heads (or more realistically one head consulted twice) on top of the same model. There is a fair amount of uncertainty about this kind of “detail” but I think for now it’s smaller than the fundamental uncertainty about whether anything in this vague direction will work.
I don’t see why being copies of each other implies that they know everything the other knows: they could (rationally) spend their computation on understanding the details of their position, rather than their opponent’s position.
For example, if I was playing against a copy of myself, where we were both given separate puzzles and had to solve them faster than the other, I would spend all my time focusing on my puzzle, and wouldn’t know the things that my copy knows about his puzzle (even if we have the same information, i.e. both of us can see both puzzles and even each other’s inner thought process).
The intuitive idea is to share activations as well as weights, i.e. to have two heads (or more realistically one head consulted twice) on top of the same model. There is a fair amount of uncertainty about this kind of “detail” but I think for now it’s smaller than the fundamental uncertainty about whether anything in this vague direction will work.