[Question] Opinions on Eureka Labs

I would be currious to hear from people about their views or reactions to the Eureka Labs planned AI training course.

While a very trivial level, I must confess to liking the name. When I saw the mention on MR the first thing I thought of was the TV show Eureka which I found quite entertaining and enjoyable.

More seriously I can currious about what quality the cource might be, I assume some here know something about Kartaphy and how his company might present the information. I would also be interested in thought from a pure AI Safety perspective. One might suspect some see this a bit as teaching any or everyone how to build a nuclear bomb or make TNT. But perhaps some see him as perhaps helping to get students thinking in terms of safety and alignment.

Update, I should probably also note that this probably doesn’t really move the dial on anything much given the existing availability of online AI training from many. many sources. So “Big yawn.” to the question might be the popular response.

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