I may qualify in some respects. I would say my biggest difficulty is that I often cannot make myself even pretend to be interested for a few minutes in what most people have to talk about. It is conceivable that I could carry such a conversation if I tried hard enough, which is why I tentatively answer your question in the affirmative. I am not sure I can do it though. I have a very difficult time paying attention to conversation that does not interest me.
I hope the worst thing that I do is talk too little. It is possible I show other signs of being bored or even exasperated. I avoid some conversations, hopefully its rarely obvious that I do this. It does not interfere too much with my goals, I do fine career-wise. I do feel uncomfortable in some situations that “should” feel pretty normal, such as while trying to make small-talk with a neighbor while our children play at the playground. There is nothing obvious at stake here, but you never know when your relationship with a neighbor could become important.
I may qualify in some respects. I would say my biggest difficulty is that I often cannot make myself even pretend to be interested for a few minutes in what most people have to talk about. It is conceivable that I could carry such a conversation if I tried hard enough, which is why I tentatively answer your question in the affirmative. I am not sure I can do it though. I have a very difficult time paying attention to conversation that does not interest me.
I hope the worst thing that I do is talk too little. It is possible I show other signs of being bored or even exasperated. I avoid some conversations, hopefully its rarely obvious that I do this. It does not interfere too much with my goals, I do fine career-wise. I do feel uncomfortable in some situations that “should” feel pretty normal, such as while trying to make small-talk with a neighbor while our children play at the playground. There is nothing obvious at stake here, but you never know when your relationship with a neighbor could become important.