Seemingly abstruse political/legal theories, then, can be better understood through the lens of whether the decision-relevant representations they undergird are more or less liable to create good fit between varying levels of stakeholders and the scopes of their decisions. The best high level fit metric I’ve come across is the interaction between freedom and responsibility. I.e. a system that does a good job of matching the two, such that people don’t have freedoms they are fundamentally incapable of taking responsibility for the outcomes of.
Seemingly abstruse political/legal theories, then, can be better understood through the lens of whether the decision-relevant representations they undergird are more or less liable to create good fit between varying levels of stakeholders and the scopes of their decisions. The best high level fit metric I’ve come across is the interaction between freedom and responsibility. I.e. a system that does a good job of matching the two, such that people don’t have freedoms they are fundamentally incapable of taking responsibility for the outcomes of.