I liked reading this philosophical and sociological history!
Some others, such as Wei Dai and Michel Vassar, had called even earlier the infeasibility of completing the philosophy with a small technical team.
Indeed, it’s hard to reliably do groundbreaking scientific and philosophical research with a team of ~10 people over the course of ~10 years. I think it was well worth the effort and did far better than one would naively expect of such a team — especially given that the natural project-lead was plagued by so many chronic health issues as to be ~entirely unable to do any management. I will continue to support further efforts of this sort e.g. Orthogonal.
I liked reading this philosophical and sociological history!
Indeed, it’s hard to reliably do groundbreaking scientific and philosophical research with a team of ~10 people over the course of ~10 years. I think it was well worth the effort and did far better than one would naively expect of such a team — especially given that the natural project-lead was plagued by so many chronic health issues as to be ~entirely unable to do any management. I will continue to support further efforts of this sort e.g. Orthogonal.