Probably, as well as attempt some really quick immunization against fascists or whatever. Also, you might drill into them that things are complicated and happen You also could give a really quick outline of the world. I know that in 5th grade I did not know any of the following:
The world is really, really big.
A lot of the world outside of America has a standard of living similar to America, but even more of it doesnt. Its getting better.
Not sure about Pokemon or making studying fun. Attempts to make educational games often fail miserably, and children quickly learn that things that adults tell them will be fun won’t be. Some of these were basically just ‘guess the teacher’s password’ games.
Democracy has been around for a long time and most countries are democracies, or pretending to be.
Teaching people that the struggle of awesomeness is on their shoulders is easy to sound ridiculous, may seem absurd to people who are about to go into low-status or even just unglamorous jobs, and tends to get really trite really fast so I am not sure how to deal with it in a to-be-mainstream school.
Probably, as well as attempt some really quick immunization against fascists or whatever. Also, you might drill into them that things are complicated and happen You also could give a really quick outline of the world. I know that in 5th grade I did not know any of the following:
The world is really, really big.
A lot of the world outside of America has a standard of living similar to America, but even more of it doesnt. Its getting better.
Not sure about Pokemon or making studying fun. Attempts to make educational games often fail miserably, and children quickly learn that things that adults tell them will be fun won’t be. Some of these were basically just ‘guess the teacher’s password’ games.
Democracy has been around for a long time and most countries are democracies, or pretending to be.
Teaching people that the struggle of awesomeness is on their shoulders is easy to sound ridiculous, may seem absurd to people who are about to go into low-status or even just unglamorous jobs, and tends to get really trite really fast so I am not sure how to deal with it in a to-be-mainstream school.