During the yearlong pursuit, I perfected a method for peeling those layers of deep understanding faster. I’ve since used it on topics in math, biology, physics, economics and engineering. With just a few modifications, it also works well for practical skills such as programming, design or languages.
Does he mean natural languages? I’m willing to believe that the guy found a super effective method of gaining deep understanding but in language learning there’s no such understanding to be had. There’s no grand insight from which you can recreate the entire dictionary.
Does he mean natural languages? I’m willing to believe that the guy found a super effective method of gaining deep understanding but in language learning there’s no such understanding to be had. There’s no grand insight from which you can recreate the entire dictionary.
By the lack of an Oxford comma, I infer Scott means computer languages.
Since we’re talking about a computer science degree, I assumed he was talking about computer languages (though I had to think about it for a bit too).