If posting a non-consensus view tends to result in a negative or 0 karma, and posting a consensus view tends to result in positive karma, then it is likely that people are going to post consensus views much more often than non-consensus views.
I likewise object to those who mindlessly downvote or upvote. On my part I think nonsensical upvotes are worse than nonsensical downvotes, though, as it causes karma inflation. There exist people who’ll upvote people just for saying “Hi”, and I’m guessing they upvote every other comment they see. This rewards quantity instead of quality—which serves to reduce quality.
Without having a wide range of views to moderate opinion, consensus becomes like a runaway train becoming progressively more one-sided.
This is largely what the article on Evaporative cooling of group beliefs is about. But I don’t know how to fix this perceived problem, except to encourage you to speak and post about those non-consensus positions.
I likewise object to those who mindlessly downvote or upvote. On my part I think nonsensical upvotes are worse than nonsensical downvotes, though, as it causes karma inflation. There exist people who’ll upvote people just for saying “Hi”, and I’m guessing they upvote every other comment they see. This rewards quantity instead of quality—which serves to reduce quality.
This is largely what the article on Evaporative cooling of group beliefs is about. But I don’t know how to fix this perceived problem, except to encourage you to speak and post about those non-consensus positions.