I notice that Taffix is no longer available on Amazon co uk. It’s still available on eBay co uk for around twice what it was on Amazon.
On Amazon.de it rose 20% in price since I bought it but is still available: https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Taffix-Nasal-Powder-Spray-Milligram/dp/B08KHR5B4M/ref=sr_1_3?crid=E2NN4USFR7WF&dchild=1&keywords=taffix+nasenspray&qid=1614695012&sprefix=taffix+na%2Caps%2C182&sr=8-3
I notice that Taffix is no longer available on Amazon co uk. It’s still available on eBay co uk for around twice what it was on Amazon.
On Amazon.de it rose 20% in price since I bought it but is still available: https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Taffix-Nasal-Powder-Spray-Milligram/dp/B08KHR5B4M/ref=sr_1_3?crid=E2NN4USFR7WF&dchild=1&keywords=taffix+nasenspray&qid=1614695012&sprefix=taffix+na%2Caps%2C182&sr=8-3