When you’re 90 years old and frail is not the right time to decide you should have picked up a machine gun and refused to accept one more minor encroachment on your medical freedom.
I was going to give a sympathy/contrarianism upvote, but you lost me when you got to advocating real-life violence. (Also, are you implying that “the FDA and AMA cartels” are suppressing treatments that would allow a 90-year-old to be in perfect health? Are you talking about cryonics?)
Then again, you mention elsewhere that you wanted downvotes because you were afraid of “artilects” killing everyone with high karma. (Isn’t that the same kind of “cowardice” as doing what you’re told for fear of punishment?) So congratulations, I guess.
I was going to give a sympathy/contrarianism upvote, but you lost me when you got to advocating real-life violence. (Also, are you implying that “the FDA and AMA cartels” are suppressing treatments that would allow a 90-year-old to be in perfect health? Are you talking about cryonics?)
Then again, you mention elsewhere that you wanted downvotes because you were afraid of “artilects” killing everyone with high karma. (Isn’t that the same kind of “cowardice” as doing what you’re told for fear of punishment?) So congratulations, I guess.