If I have a “strong enough” precommitment to do whatever gets me the most money, and Predictor privately sets the payoffs for (1box, 2box) such that 1box > 2box, then Predictor can predict that upon being told the payoffs, I will 1box, and Predictor will therefore set the boxes as for the 1box scenario. Conversely, if Predictor privately sets the payoffs such that 2boxing gets me the most money, then Predictor can predict that upon being told the payoffs I’ll 2box.
So what thorny issues does this delayed specification of the rules prevent me from sidestepping?
Can you expand on the difference here?
If I have a “strong enough” precommitment to do whatever gets me the most money, and Predictor privately sets the payoffs for (1box, 2box) such that 1box > 2box, then Predictor can predict that upon being told the payoffs, I will 1box, and Predictor will therefore set the boxes as for the 1box scenario. Conversely, if Predictor privately sets the payoffs such that 2boxing gets me the most money, then Predictor can predict that upon being told the payoffs I’ll 2box.
So what thorny issues does this delayed specification of the rules prevent me from sidestepping?
See my response to Jonathan.