Why do you consider religious faiths to be obviously untrue? “They would be child’s play for an unattachedmind to relinquish, if the skepticism of a ten-year-old were applied without evasion.” Why do you consider the questions of a ten-year old to be unaswerable except through evasion? On the contrary, such questions are almost invariably easily answerable to anyone who has the slighest knowledge about philosophy of religion and the doctrine of their particular religion. I would be silly to be guided by the questions of a 10-year old instead of the answers of a 20- or 45-year old whose knowledge of the subject matter is non-negligible.
”a belief whose absurdity a fresh-eyed ten-year-old could see” Why would it matter if a belief seems absurd to a 10-year old? It would be fairly stupid to be guided by children’s opinions about an important subject.
Why do you consider religious faiths to be obviously untrue? “They would be child’s play for an unattached mind to relinquish, if the skepticism of a ten-year-old were applied without evasion.” Why do you consider the questions of a ten-year old to be unaswerable except through evasion? On the contrary, such questions are almost invariably easily answerable to anyone who has the slighest knowledge about philosophy of religion and the doctrine of their particular religion. I would be silly to be guided by the questions of a 10-year old instead of the answers of a 20- or 45-year old whose knowledge of the subject matter is non-negligible.
”a belief whose absurdity a fresh-eyed ten-year-old could see” Why would it matter if a belief seems absurd to a 10-year old? It would be fairly stupid to be guided by children’s opinions about an important subject.