WHERE:Benny’s Bagels: 2505 W Broadway, Vancouver, British Columbia V6K 2E9
For those not in the know, the Less Wrong sequences are a corpus of essays written by the self-educated blogger and AI theorist Eliezer Yudkowsky on applying rationality further into and also beyond the domains of science and skepticism. Less Wrong is the website where Mr. Yudkowsky and others blog about rationality.
This week we’ll be reading “Politics is the Mind-Killer”. It’s a series of essays about how errors in thinking about politics and social dichotomies prevent people from reaching more accurate beliefs, and how these errors in thinking might be identified and corrected.
Meetup : Vancouver Biweekly Sequences Discussion: Politics Is the Mind-killer
Discussion article for the meetup : Vancouver Biweekly Sequences Discussion: Politics Is the Mind-killer
WHEN: 12 January 2014 03:00:00PM (-0800)
WHERE: Benny’s Bagels: 2505 W Broadway, Vancouver, British Columbia V6K 2E9
This week we’ll be reading “Politics is the Mind-Killer”. It’s a series of essays about how errors in thinking about politics and social dichotomies prevent people from reaching more accurate beliefs, and how these errors in thinking might be identified and corrected.
If you’re interested in attending, please read the posts under the heading “most important posts” at this link: http://wiki.lesswrong.com/wiki/How_To_Actually_Change_Your_Mind#Politics_is_the_Mind-Killer
We’ll primarily be discussing those seven essays, but feel free to read the rest of the ones in the sequence if you have the time.
This is the first biweekly meetup for this reading and discussion group. We hope to see you there.
Discussion article for the meetup : Vancouver Biweekly Sequences Discussion: Politics Is the Mind-killer