How can you in general have access to the information you want about events, without drowning in an information ocean or getting web addicted.
Timothy Ferris in The 4-Hour Workweek recommends outsourcing parts of your life to digital assistants in third world countries. You could hire one, subscribe his e-mail address to the kinds of lists which inform you about these events, and let him filter out irrelevant entries, all for a very cheap salary. Search that pdf for “assistant” to read the relevant parts. It seems MIRI has also had some positive experiences with virtual assistants, though they use Westerners at a higher hourly wage.
I have done this in the past with mytasker, one of the best rated services.
The task was easier (in that it was atemporal) and the failure was massive.
I do however recommend native english speakers to hire an assistant promptly (as soon as you can spend 130/month) because it is really good for some people. I’ll do it once I move to the US and have a salary there.
In any event, it didn’t work for me, but thanks for the reminder. .
If the person is a native speaker of english, who has read or is familiar with the Lesswrong ethos, and and could tell the reference of “SF bay” after 4 minutes on google, I’m very interested.
My facebook name is G Diego Vichutilitarian, message me there.
Wouldn’t say they’re familiar with LW Ethos, but I have been talking with my first candidate about some common LW topics on occasion for months, and have decent analytical and reading skills, so they may be familiar enough depending on what you need.
Native english, capable of googling things. Those hadn’t even occured to me, since I take them for granted.
This is someone I live with, so I’m very much biased in my opinion of them, but also means I’d be available daily to brief them on some LW subjects.
Timothy Ferris in The 4-Hour Workweek recommends outsourcing parts of your life to digital assistants in third world countries. You could hire one, subscribe his e-mail address to the kinds of lists which inform you about these events, and let him filter out irrelevant entries, all for a very cheap salary. Search that pdf for “assistant” to read the relevant parts. It seems MIRI has also had some positive experiences with virtual assistants, though they use Westerners at a higher hourly wage.
I have done this in the past with mytasker, one of the best rated services.
The task was easier (in that it was atemporal) and the failure was massive.
I do however recommend native english speakers to hire an assistant promptly (as soon as you can spend 130/month) because it is really good for some people. I’ll do it once I move to the US and have a salary there.
In any event, it didn’t work for me, but thanks for the reminder. .
If anyone is interested in this kind of arrangement, I know at least one person, probably more, who would be up for hire.
If the person is a native speaker of english, who has read or is familiar with the Lesswrong ethos, and and could tell the reference of “SF bay” after 4 minutes on google, I’m very interested. My facebook name is G Diego Vichutilitarian, message me there.
Wouldn’t say they’re familiar with LW Ethos, but I have been talking with my first candidate about some common LW topics on occasion for months, and have decent analytical and reading skills, so they may be familiar enough depending on what you need.
Native english, capable of googling things. Those hadn’t even occured to me, since I take them for granted.
This is someone I live with, so I’m very much biased in my opinion of them, but also means I’d be available daily to brief them on some LW subjects.