Now that I’ve been introduced to the concept, I want to evaluate how useful it is to incorporate into my rhetorical repertoire and vocabulary. And, to determine whether it can inform my beliefs about assessing the exfoliating intelligence of others (a term I’ll coin to refer to that intelligence/knowledge which another can pass on to me to aid my vocabulary and verbal abstract reasoning—my neuropsychological strengths which I try to max out just like an RPG character).
At a less meta level, knowing the strengths and weaknesses of the trait will inform whether I choose to signal it or dampen it from herein and in what situations. It is important for imitators to remember that whatever IC is associated with does not neccersarily imply those associations to lay others.
conflict resolution (see Luke’s post)
As listed in psycholopedia:
appreciation of complexity
scientific profficiency
stress accomodationo
resistance to persuasion
prediction ability
social responsibliy
more initiative, as rated by managers, and more motivation to seek power, as gauged by a projective test
based on psychlopedia:
low scores on compliance and conscientiousness
seem antagonistic and even narcissistic
based on the wiki article:
dependence (more likely to defer to others)
rational expectations (more likely to fallaciously assume they are dealing with rational agents)
Upon reflection, here are my conclusions:
high integrative complexity dominates low integrative complexity for those who have insight into the concept and self aware of how it relates to them, others, and the capacity to use the skill and hide it.
the questions eliciting the answers that are expert rated to define the concept of IC by psychometricians is very crude and there ought to be a validated tool devised, if that is an achievable feat (cognitive complexity or time estimates beyond the scope of my time/intelligence at the moment)
I have been using this tool as my primary estimate of intelligence of people but will instead subordinate it to ordinary psychometric status before I became aware of it here and will now elevate traditional tools of intelligence to their established status
I’m interested in learning about the algorithms used to search say Twitter and assess IC. Anyone got any info?
very interested in any research on IC association with corporate board performance and shareprices etc. Doesn’t seem to be much research but generally research does start with Defence implications before going corporate...
Interested in exploring relations between the assessment of IC and tools used in CBT given their structural similarity...and by extensions general relationships between IC and mental health
Further reading on integrative complexity:
Wikipedia Psychlopedia Google book
Now that I’ve been introduced to the concept, I want to evaluate how useful it is to incorporate into my rhetorical repertoire and vocabulary. And, to determine whether it can inform my beliefs about assessing the exfoliating intelligence of others (a term I’ll coin to refer to that intelligence/knowledge which another can pass on to me to aid my vocabulary and verbal abstract reasoning—my neuropsychological strengths which I try to max out just like an RPG character).
At a less meta level, knowing the strengths and weaknesses of the trait will inform whether I choose to signal it or dampen it from herein and in what situations. It is important for imitators to remember that whatever IC is associated with does not neccersarily imply those associations to lay others.
conflict resolution (see Luke’s post)
As listed in psycholopedia:
appreciation of complexity
scientific profficiency
stress accomodationo
resistance to persuasion
prediction ability
social responsibliy
more initiative, as rated by managers, and more motivation to seek power, as gauged by a projective test
based on psychlopedia:
low scores on compliance and conscientiousness
seem antagonistic and even narcissistic based on the wiki article:
dependence (more likely to defer to others)
rational expectations (more likely to fallaciously assume they are dealing with rational agents)
Upon reflection, here are my conclusions:
high integrative complexity dominates low integrative complexity for those who have insight into the concept and self aware of how it relates to them, others, and the capacity to use the skill and hide it.
the questions eliciting the answers that are expert rated to define the concept of IC by psychometricians is very crude and there ought to be a validated tool devised, if that is an achievable feat (cognitive complexity or time estimates beyond the scope of my time/intelligence at the moment)
I have been using this tool as my primary estimate of intelligence of people but will instead subordinate it to ordinary psychometric status before I became aware of it here and will now elevate traditional tools of intelligence to their established status
I’m interested in learning about the algorithms used to search say Twitter and assess IC. Anyone got any info?
very interested in any research on IC association with corporate board performance and shareprices etc. Doesn’t seem to be much research but generally research does start with Defence implications before going corporate...
Interested in exploring relations between the assessment of IC and tools used in CBT given their structural similarity...and by extensions general relationships between IC and mental health