That’s an interesting thought, I was aware that most fiction kept saying to people that Kirk beats Spock, I hadn’t noticed that even the character arcs of rational or smart characters are almost never about them getting smarter or improving their minds...
I think I saw that in a very few manga, even those that have a genius main character doesn’t think about him getting more rational or smarter at all, he’s just a genius from start to finish, any progress he makes are usual on other sides of himself...
It seems this is really something that’s lacking from our culture.
That’s an interesting thought, I was aware that most fiction kept saying to people that Kirk beats Spock, I hadn’t noticed that even the character arcs of rational or smart characters are almost never about them getting smarter or improving their minds...
I think I saw that in a very few manga, even those that have a genius main character doesn’t think about him getting more rational or smarter at all, he’s just a genius from start to finish, any progress he makes are usual on other sides of himself...
It seems this is really something that’s lacking from our culture.