Thanks for writing up your thoughts here. I hope you wont mind a little push-back.
There’s a premise underlying much of your thought that I don’t think is true.
But as the world of Social Studies consists of the interactions of persons, places, and things, they are subject to the Laws of Physics, and so the tenants of Physics must apply.
I don’t really see how the laws of physics apply to social interactions. To me it sounds like you’re mixing up different levels of description without any reason.
Yes, at bottom we’re all made up of physical stuff that physics describes. But that doesn’t really mean that the laws of physics are particularly useful when trying to explain human scale phenomena like why people get hungry, or angry, or why people have a hard time coordinating, or (more to your point), why people sometimes believe the wrong things. The fields of psychology, evolutionary biology, sociology among others seem like they’d be more relevant than physics. The different fields of knowledge exist for a good reason.
Thanks for writing up your thoughts here. I hope you wont mind a little push-back.
There’s a premise underlying much of your thought that I don’t think is true.
I don’t really see how the laws of physics apply to social interactions. To me it sounds like you’re mixing up different levels of description without any reason.
Yes, at bottom we’re all made up of physical stuff that physics describes. But that doesn’t really mean that the laws of physics are particularly useful when trying to explain human scale phenomena like why people get hungry, or angry, or why people have a hard time coordinating, or (more to your point), why people sometimes believe the wrong things. The fields of psychology, evolutionary biology, sociology among others seem like they’d be more relevant than physics. The different fields of knowledge exist for a good reason.