When Mao prepared his Great Leap forward he thought that it doesn’t make sense to have the factories in the cities. He thought it would be much better to move them to the country-side.
That was one of the worst economic decisions in history, because a lot of those relocated factories stopped working.
It turns out that having factories near other factories is useful. Millions starved.
These days we know how to run a steel mill or a car man well enough to have it in a rural area but in the beginning they had to be in cities.
When Mao prepared his Great Leap forward he thought that it doesn’t make sense to have the factories in the cities. He thought it would be much better to move them to the country-side.
That was one of the worst economic decisions in history, because a lot of those relocated factories stopped working. It turns out that having factories near other factories is useful. Millions starved.
These days we know how to run a steel mill or a car man well enough to have it in a rural area but in the beginning they had to be in cities.