I don’t think it’s not describable, only that such a description being received by someone whose initial mental state is on “thinking about wanting to get better at switching away from thinking” won’t (by default) play the role of effective advice, because for that to work, it needs to be empowered by the recipient processing the message using a version of what it’s trying to describe. If you already have the pattern for that, then seeing that part described may act as a signal to flatten the chain, as it were; if you don’t, then advice in the usual sense has a high chance of falling flat starting from the mental state you’re processing it in, and you might need something more directly experiential (or at least more indirect and koan-like) to get the necessary start.
I don’t think it’s not describable, only that such a description being received by someone whose initial mental state is on “thinking about wanting to get better at switching away from thinking” won’t (by default) play the role of effective advice, because for that to work, it needs to be empowered by the recipient processing the message using a version of what it’s trying to describe. If you already have the pattern for that, then seeing that part described may act as a signal to flatten the chain, as it were; if you don’t, then advice in the usual sense has a high chance of falling flat starting from the mental state you’re processing it in, and you might need something more directly experiential (or at least more indirect and koan-like) to get the necessary start.