Part of why this question is so good is because it has two functions. Most obviously, given some problem (like reasoning about your future self, or not going all Sorcerer’s Apprentice when given a new task), it invites one to think about how the human brain solves this problem, with an eye towards designing an artificial system that does the same sorta thing. But also, sometimes keeping this question in mind makes you realize when humans don’t solve the problem you’re thinking about, and you should take a second look at whether you can get what you want without having to solve this problem either.
“How do humans do it?”
Part of why this question is so good is because it has two functions. Most obviously, given some problem (like reasoning about your future self, or not going all Sorcerer’s Apprentice when given a new task), it invites one to think about how the human brain solves this problem, with an eye towards designing an artificial system that does the same sorta thing. But also, sometimes keeping this question in mind makes you realize when humans don’t solve the problem you’re thinking about, and you should take a second look at whether you can get what you want without having to solve this problem either.