I want opinions: Is Neal Stephenson’s Anathem a work of rationalist fiction?
I think it is (I don’t think it was written with the rationalist label in mind, it just meets the qualifying standards).
Science and the scientific method are core plot points
Technology is central. There is a transhumanist theme.
The main character is a scholar/scientist. He seems approximately realistic in his behavior and intellect. Maybe this makes him more of a traditional hero in the midst of far more rational and intelligent people than himself.
I want opinions: Is Neal Stephenson’s Anathem a work of rationalist fiction?
I think it is (I don’t think it was written with the rationalist label in mind, it just meets the qualifying standards).
Science and the scientific method are core plot points Technology is central. There is a transhumanist theme. The main character is a scholar/scientist. He seems approximately realistic in his behavior and intellect. Maybe this makes him more of a traditional hero in the midst of far more rational and intelligent people than himself.
You could get more answers if you posted this to /r/rational, which is a subreddit entirely dedicated to rationalist and rationalist-esque fiction.