Nice blog post about AI and existential risks by my friend and occasional LW poster. He was inspired by disappointingly bad debate on Feel free to share if you like it. I think it is a quite good introduction on Bostrom’s and MIRI arguments.
“The problem is harder than it looks, we don’t know how to solve it, and if we don’t solve it we will go extinct.”
Seems very good, but this is coming from a person familiar with the topic. I wonder how good it would seem to someone who hasn’t heard about the topic yet.
Nice blog post about AI and existential risks by my friend and occasional LW poster. He was inspired by disappointingly bad debate on Feel free to share if you like it. I think it is a quite good introduction on Bostrom’s and MIRI arguments.
“The problem is harder than it looks, we don’t know how to solve it, and if we don’t solve it we will go extinct.”
Seems very good, but this is coming from a person familiar with the topic. I wonder how good it would seem to someone who hasn’t heard about the topic yet.