Your additional instrumental values spread your values and social influence become very important if we avoid rising of a decisive advantage AI.
In a society of AI enhanced humans and other AGIs altruism will become an important instrumental value for AGIs. The wide social network will recognize well-behavior and anti-social behavior without forgetting. Facebook gives a faint glimpse of what will be possible in future.
Stephen Omohundro said it in a nutshell: “AIs can control AIs.”
Your additional instrumental values spread your values and social influence become very important if we avoid rising of a decisive advantage AI.
In a society of AI enhanced humans and other AGIs altruism will become an important instrumental value for AGIs. The wide social network will recognize well-behavior and anti-social behavior without forgetting. Facebook gives a faint glimpse of what will be possible in future.
Stephen Omohundro said it in a nutshell: “AIs can control AIs.”