I love this comment. It reminds me how some days my brain is working like a champ and I can tackle any complex programming job with ease. Other days I’m simply aware that my brain is pretending to be a much less smart person’s brain, and I should stick to more menial projects. If my job required me to be smart every day, I’d have to pay much more attention to the food / sleep / whatever combination that determines how my brain works the next morning.
I love this comment. It reminds me how some days my brain is working like a champ and I can tackle any complex programming job with ease. Other days I’m simply aware that my brain is pretending to be a much less smart person’s brain, and I should stick to more menial projects. If my job required me to be smart every day, I’d have to pay much more attention to the food / sleep / whatever combination that determines how my brain works the next morning.