The post I commented on is about a justification of induction (unless I have commited some egregious misreading, which is a surprisingly common error mode of mine, feel free to correct me on this part).
It seemed natural for me that I would respond with linking the the strongest justification I know—although again, might have misread myself into understanding this differently from what words were written.
[This is basically the extent to which I mean that the question is resolved; I am conceding on ~everything else.]
The post I commented on is about a justification of induction (unless I have commited some egregious misreading, which is a surprisingly common error mode of mine, feel free to correct me on this part). It seemed natural for me that I would respond with linking the the strongest justification I know—although again, might have misread myself into understanding this differently from what words were written.
[This is basically the extent to which I mean that the question is resolved; I am conceding on ~everything else.]