A path I wish you had taken was trying to get rationality courses taught on many college campuses. Professors have lots of discretion in what they teach. (I’m planning on offering a new course and described it to my department chair as a collection of topics I find really interesting and think I could teach to first years. Yes, I will have to dress it up to get the course officially approved.) If you offer a “course in a box” which many textbook publishers do (providing handouts, exams, and potential paper assignments to instructors) you make it really easy for professors to teach the course. Having class exercises that scale well would be a huge plus.
A path I wish you had taken was trying to get rationality courses taught on many college campuses. Professors have lots of discretion in what they teach. (I’m planning on offering a new course and described it to my department chair as a collection of topics I find really interesting and think I could teach to first years. Yes, I will have to dress it up to get the course officially approved.) If you offer a “course in a box” which many textbook publishers do (providing handouts, exams, and potential paper assignments to instructors) you make it really easy for professors to teach the course. Having class exercises that scale well would be a huge plus.