“Learning to run workshops where people often “wake up” and are more conscious/alive/able-to-reflect-and-choose, for at least ~4 days or so and often also for a several-month aftermath to a lesser extent”
I permanently upgraded my sense of agency as a result of CFAR workshops. Wouldn’t be surprised if this happened to others too. Would be surprised if it happened to most CFAR participants.
I think CFAR’s effects are pretty difficult to see and measure. I think this is the case for most interventions?
I feel like the best things CFAR did were more like… fertilizing the soil and creating an environment where lots of plants could start growing. What plants? CFAR didn’t need to pre-determine that part. CFAR just needed to create a program, have some infrastructure, put out a particular call into the world, and wait for what shows up as a result of that particular call. And then we showed up. And things happened. And CFAR responded. And more things happened. Etc.
CFAR can take partial credit for my life starting from 2015 and onwards, into the future. I’m not sure which parts of it. Shrug.
Maybe I think most people try to slice the cause-effect pie in weird, false ways, and I’m objecting to that here.
“Learning to run workshops where people often “wake up” and are more conscious/alive/able-to-reflect-and-choose, for at least ~4 days or so and often also for a several-month aftermath to a lesser extent”
I permanently upgraded my sense of agency as a result of CFAR workshops. Wouldn’t be surprised if this happened to others too. Would be surprised if it happened to most CFAR participants.
I think CFAR’s effects are pretty difficult to see and measure. I think this is the case for most interventions?
I feel like the best things CFAR did were more like… fertilizing the soil and creating an environment where lots of plants could start growing. What plants? CFAR didn’t need to pre-determine that part. CFAR just needed to create a program, have some infrastructure, put out a particular call into the world, and wait for what shows up as a result of that particular call. And then we showed up. And things happened. And CFAR responded. And more things happened. Etc.
CFAR can take partial credit for my life starting from 2015 and onwards, into the future. I’m not sure which parts of it. Shrug.
Maybe I think most people try to slice the cause-effect pie in weird, false ways, and I’m objecting to that here.