Based on a number of inputs, including that thread, but with unclear causality levels:
bought a pulse oximeter and better thermometer.
bought copper tape, covered back of phone and two doorknobs of my house.
wash my hands more often and more thoroughly than previously.
Already doing or based on other things (company policy, county recommendation):
stopped taking train to work about a week ago.
working from home starting today.
canceled two business trips, one international.
Already keep two weeks food and medication (intended to increase, but failed).
Take vitamin D—I live in Seattle and don’t see the sun regardless.
Questionable decisions where advice perhaps should have changed my mind:
I’m flying to Arizona to visit my elderly parents this weekend.
I’m still eating a fair bit of food prepared by strangers who may not quarantine themselves soon enough—in restaurants and by delivery.
Based on a number of inputs, including that thread, but with unclear causality levels:
bought a pulse oximeter and better thermometer.
bought copper tape, covered back of phone and two doorknobs of my house.
wash my hands more often and more thoroughly than previously.
Already doing or based on other things (company policy, county recommendation):
stopped taking train to work about a week ago.
working from home starting today.
canceled two business trips, one international.
Already keep two weeks food and medication (intended to increase, but failed).
Take vitamin D—I live in Seattle and don’t see the sun regardless.
Questionable decisions where advice perhaps should have changed my mind:
I’m flying to Arizona to visit my elderly parents this weekend.
I’m still eating a fair bit of food prepared by strangers who may not quarantine themselves soon enough—in restaurants and by delivery.