The hardest part here is ensuring that whoever we hire can actually work self-directedly, without constant management. We’ve spent 3 years trying to make books efficiently and not succeeded yet, which I think is making us more risk-averse to trying again (although I do have some ideas on how to do it)
I think if someone who had previously made a particularly great HPMOR, SlatestarCodex or Sequences custom book, has good project-management skills, overall good aesthetic taste, and is proficient with both AI art and reworking essay diagrams that were low res to be printable resolution...
...I’d at least personally be pretty interested in hiring that person if they seemed to clearly demonstrate all the skills.
The hardest part here is ensuring that whoever we hire can actually work self-directedly, without constant management. We’ve spent 3 years trying to make books efficiently and not succeeded yet, which I think is making us more risk-averse to trying again (although I do have some ideas on how to do it)
I think if someone who had previously made a particularly great HPMOR, SlatestarCodex or Sequences custom book, has good project-management skills, overall good aesthetic taste, and is proficient with both AI art and reworking essay diagrams that were low res to be printable resolution...
...I’d at least personally be pretty interested in hiring that person if they seemed to clearly demonstrate all the skills.