It doesn’t feel hard for me to understand. People have been lied to in various ways over the course of the pandemic and some of them were either severely harmed by lookdown policies or had their friends severely harmed.
The establishment lost a lot of credibility for saying that it was okay to demonstrate unmasked in the BLM protests right after lookdown and then afterward telling people that wearing a mask outdoors is very important.
I have a friend who explained her being unvaccinated with three of her friends committing suicide during the lockdown. While it’s not rational behavior given that vaccines and lockdown are two different issues, I find her position understandable, such experiences polarize people.
People lost jobs and businesses and faced serious hardship because of lockdown policies.
An unspoken theme is arguably being in possession of relatively little information (like, what’s going on with the person who is still waiting to find out if the vaccines are effective? And do people just not know that the vaccine reduces the downside of covid, even if it is still possible to get it? Or do all of these people know things I don’t?).
Those people know that the establishment tells them those things, but lack the ability to tell which of the claims from the establishment are actually true, so they are effectively in the possession of relatively little information.
I wonder if much good could be done in this kind of situation with some kind of clearly independent and apolitical personal policy research institution, who prioritized being trustworthy and accurate.
In a climate where people lie and censor to get people to do what they want you can’t be apolitical and independent. You will take stances that get people to attack you politically.
If I wasn’t in such a position, I feel like I’d pay a decent amount for someone to think about such things for me.
Normal people who get operations are not willing to pay to get information about which hospital is best at doing a given operation. After Hanson, a lot of health decisions are made around showing that one cares and not through a good analysis of the available information.
I don’t see how your explanations relate to the explanations of the people who gave their answers to this (small) survey. So you have a thesis and some anecdotes and personal impressions, but how do you justify the certainty?
“The establishment lost a lot of credibility for saying that it was okay to demonstrate unmasked in the BLM protests right after lookdown and then afterward telling people that wearing a mask outdoors is very important. ”
Who is this “establishment”, seemingly speaking with one voice and understood by “those people” to be a coherent unit? Do you suggest those people do not get vaccinated because former potus Trump, who is proud of having been responsible for fast vaccine development afaik, eroded trust in what institutions say by lying frequently?
I don’t see how your explanations relate to the explanations of the people who gave their answers to this (small) survey.
A few of the answers do mention mistrust of establishment organizations from CNN, CDC, FDA, and others. Plenty of the other explanation note lack of trust as a key reason.
Who is this “establishment”, seemingly speaking with one voice and understood by “those people” to be a coherent unit?
If that’s a genuine question, maybe start with reading Chomsky’s Manufacturing Consent.
It doesn’t feel hard for me to understand. People have been lied to in various ways over the course of the pandemic and some of them were either severely harmed by lookdown policies or had their friends severely harmed.
The establishment lost a lot of credibility for saying that it was okay to demonstrate unmasked in the BLM protests right after lookdown and then afterward telling people that wearing a mask outdoors is very important.
I have a friend who explained her being unvaccinated with three of her friends committing suicide during the lockdown. While it’s not rational behavior given that vaccines and lockdown are two different issues, I find her position understandable, such experiences polarize people.
People lost jobs and businesses and faced serious hardship because of lockdown policies.
Those people know that the establishment tells them those things, but lack the ability to tell which of the claims from the establishment are actually true, so they are effectively in the possession of relatively little information.
In a climate where people lie and censor to get people to do what they want you can’t be apolitical and independent. You will take stances that get people to attack you politically.
Normal people who get operations are not willing to pay to get information about which hospital is best at doing a given operation. After Hanson, a lot of health decisions are made around showing that one cares and not through a good analysis of the available information.
“It doesn’t feel hard for me to understand.”
I don’t see how your explanations relate to the explanations of the people who gave their answers to this (small) survey. So you have a thesis and some anecdotes and personal impressions, but how do you justify the certainty?
“The establishment lost a lot of credibility for saying that it was okay to demonstrate unmasked in the BLM protests right after lookdown and then afterward telling people that wearing a mask outdoors is very important. ”
Who is this “establishment”, seemingly speaking with one voice and understood by “those people” to be a coherent unit? Do you suggest those people do not get vaccinated because former potus Trump, who is proud of having been responsible for fast vaccine development afaik, eroded trust in what institutions say by lying frequently?
A few of the answers do mention mistrust of establishment organizations from CNN, CDC, FDA, and others. Plenty of the other explanation note lack of trust as a key reason.
If that’s a genuine question, maybe start with reading Chomsky’s Manufacturing Consent.