I got the 100W variant of that light, along with the switched plug jimv linked to. I’ve been generally pleased with it, I have it behind me and the room is much brighter when it’s on. I think I’d prefer a yellower light (which I think would be described as “warmer” but be a lower temperature? Thanks, English) but meh, it’s fine.
One thing that isn’t great is that it flickers very visibly on some cameras. It seems like yes on my phone’s back camera and my USB webcam; no on my laptop’s built-in webcam; and mostly no on my phone’s front camera but I did get something briefly so maybe it’ll show up again.
So I probably wouldn’t recommend it for someone who e.g. wants it on for a lot of the day and also spends a lot of the day on video calls, unless they can be confident this wouldn’t happen.
(Another minor thing is that the plug is kind of awkward to wire. I don’t remember wiring one before, but I’ve looked inside them, and this one has significantly less room. Having another cm on the three individual wires, below where they’re collected into a single one, would have made it easier to arrange them. I don’t really expect this to be a dealbreaker for anyone though.)
I got the 100W variant of that light, along with the switched plug jimv linked to. I’ve been generally pleased with it, I have it behind me and the room is much brighter when it’s on. I think I’d prefer a yellower light (which I think would be described as “warmer” but be a lower temperature? Thanks, English) but meh, it’s fine.
One thing that isn’t great is that it flickers very visibly on some cameras. It seems like yes on my phone’s back camera and my USB webcam; no on my laptop’s built-in webcam; and mostly no on my phone’s front camera but I did get something briefly so maybe it’ll show up again.
So I probably wouldn’t recommend it for someone who e.g. wants it on for a lot of the day and also spends a lot of the day on video calls, unless they can be confident this wouldn’t happen.
(Another minor thing is that the plug is kind of awkward to wire. I don’t remember wiring one before, but I’ve looked inside them, and this one has significantly less room. Having another cm on the three individual wires, below where they’re collected into a single one, would have made it easier to arrange them. I don’t really expect this to be a dealbreaker for anyone though.)