I’ll give it the good old college try, but I’m no expert on category theory by any means. I’ve always been told that a real-world application of category theory is kind of an in-joke; you’re not allowed to say they don’t exist, but nobody has any. The purpose of category theory is to replace (naive) set theory as a foundation of mathematics. It’s therefore not really surprising that this is far removed from describing properties of a pot of water, for example.
I think in light of this my previous bullet points weren’t that horrible. If you ask something like “I’m walking down the street, suddenly I see a house on fire. How does category theory help me decide what to do next?” the answer is “it does not, not even the slightest bit”. Instead it helps on a very abstract meta-level: it is there to structure the thoughts you have about fields of mathematics, which in turn will let you gain faster and deeper insight into those fields. Often (for example in algebra) even this will not translate to real-world applications, but you can then use those fields to better absorb something to make predictions about the real world. As an example I’m thinking of Category theory helping you learn Group theory which helps you learn Renormalization theory which gains you real-world insight into complicated many-particle systems, like a gas out of thermodynamic equilibrium. If you are looking for anything more direct than this I flat out don’t have an answer for you.
Finally a bit about the bullet points:
The study of non-invertible linear operators on infinite dimensional vector spaces led to notions of spectrum, and later the Gelfand-Naimark representation and study of Fredholm operators, which are some of the core deep ideas behind mathematical formulations of quantum mechanics (amongst other fields). Also the difference between [a linear map failing to be an isomorphism because it is not bijective] (related to the so-called Point spectrum) and [a linear, bijective map that is still not an isomorphism because its inverse map is not a morphism] (related to the so-called Essential spectrum) is of great importance when using numerical simulations to determine behaviour of differential equations. In particular, the point spectrum depends on the implementation and the essential spectrum does not. As far as I know this is a topic of intense debate in simulations of fluid/air flow and turbulence.
This is a fair point, and I don’t have an answer for you. I do briefly want to remark that (to my knowledge) all of mathematics, both modern and old, falls under the umbrella of category theory somehow. So the claim “I might be looking for properties that this theory cannot capture” has a high burden of proof.
Personally I run into this regularly—statements like “the topology generated by this norm is equivalent to the product topology from these underlying spaces, therefore we now have the following (universal) properties”. On the other hand I don’t have a general theorem about universal constructions for you that says something very exciting. I think universal constructions are more about pre-caching knowledge, so that you may immediately use a range of (in your words fairly obvious) results after you verify some commonly occurring conditions.
I’ll give it the good old college try, but I’m no expert on category theory by any means. I’ve always been told that a real-world application of category theory is kind of an in-joke; you’re not allowed to say they don’t exist, but nobody has any. The purpose of category theory is to replace (naive) set theory as a foundation of mathematics. It’s therefore not really surprising that this is far removed from describing properties of a pot of water, for example.
I think in light of this my previous bullet points weren’t that horrible. If you ask something like “I’m walking down the street, suddenly I see a house on fire. How does category theory help me decide what to do next?” the answer is “it does not, not even the slightest bit”. Instead it helps on a very abstract meta-level: it is there to structure the thoughts you have about fields of mathematics, which in turn will let you gain faster and deeper insight into those fields. Often (for example in algebra) even this will not translate to real-world applications, but you can then use those fields to better absorb something to make predictions about the real world. As an example I’m thinking of Category theory helping you learn Group theory which helps you learn Renormalization theory which gains you real-world insight into complicated many-particle systems, like a gas out of thermodynamic equilibrium. If you are looking for anything more direct than this I flat out don’t have an answer for you.
Finally a bit about the bullet points:
The study of non-invertible linear operators on infinite dimensional vector spaces led to notions of spectrum, and later the Gelfand-Naimark representation and study of Fredholm operators, which are some of the core deep ideas behind mathematical formulations of quantum mechanics (amongst other fields). Also the difference between [a linear map failing to be an isomorphism because it is not bijective] (related to the so-called Point spectrum) and [a linear, bijective map that is still not an isomorphism because its inverse map is not a morphism] (related to the so-called Essential spectrum) is of great importance when using numerical simulations to determine behaviour of differential equations. In particular, the point spectrum depends on the implementation and the essential spectrum does not. As far as I know this is a topic of intense debate in simulations of fluid/air flow and turbulence.
This is a fair point, and I don’t have an answer for you. I do briefly want to remark that (to my knowledge) all of mathematics, both modern and old, falls under the umbrella of category theory somehow. So the claim “I might be looking for properties that this theory cannot capture” has a high burden of proof.
Personally I run into this regularly—statements like “the topology generated by this norm is equivalent to the product topology from these underlying spaces, therefore we now have the following (universal) properties”. On the other hand I don’t have a general theorem about universal constructions for you that says something very exciting. I think universal constructions are more about pre-caching knowledge, so that you may immediately use a range of (in your words fairly obvious) results after you verify some commonly occurring conditions.