Ooh that’s a good comment you linked. You mention relating various applications of the poisson equation via natural transformation; could you unpack a bit what that would look like? One of the things I’ve had trouble with is how to represent the sorts of real-world abstractions I want to think about (e.g. poisson equation) in the language of category theory; it’s still unclear to me whether morphism relationships are enough to represent all the semantics. If you know how to do it with that example, it would be really helpful.
Ooh that’s a good comment you linked. You mention relating various applications of the poisson equation via natural transformation; could you unpack a bit what that would look like? One of the things I’ve had trouble with is how to represent the sorts of real-world abstractions I want to think about (e.g. poisson equation) in the language of category theory; it’s still unclear to me whether morphism relationships are enough to represent all the semantics. If you know how to do it with that example, it would be really helpful.
Trying to write it up better, we’ll see if this will work.