I remember getting a unification vibe when talking to you about the first two methods. To some extent one of them is about time-based aggregation and the other one is about space or interpersonal aggregation at a point in time.
It feels to me that there is some way to compose the two methods in order to get a space-time aggregation of all agents and their expected utility function. Maybe just as an initialisation step or similar (think python init). Then when you have the initialisation you take Demski’s method to converge to truth.
Good stuff.
I remember getting a unification vibe when talking to you about the first two methods. To some extent one of them is about time-based aggregation and the other one is about space or interpersonal aggregation at a point in time.
It feels to me that there is some way to compose the two methods in order to get a space-time aggregation of all agents and their expected utility function. Maybe just as an initialisation step or similar (think python init). Then when you have the initialisation you take Demski’s method to converge to truth.