I believe the reason the author mentioned their credentials was not to establish themselves as an authority, but to indicate that it’s possible to see the subscribe button as a trap even if one is tech savvy and knows it has nothing to do with e.g. subscription billing. (In contrast to where the article implied people avoided the subscribe button due to not understanding it.)
This is a good example of a situation where I believe the principle of charity is being applied too strongly. The author’s claim was that it is a trap, not that it is possible to see it as a trap. The structure of that first paragraph is “Claim that it is a trap. Points about being an authority figure on the topic.” (FWIW I don’t mean any of this contentiously, just constructive criticism.)
In agreement: It is literally an argument from authority because there is no other proof given. Readers of the original comment are asked to assume the commenter is correct based on their authority and reputation.
Like pjeby, I think you missed his point. He was not arguing from authority, he was presenting himself as evidence that someone tech-savvy could still see it as a trap. His actual reason for believing it is a trap is in his reply to GWS.
Downvoted for being purely an argument from authority.
I believe the reason the author mentioned their credentials was not to establish themselves as an authority, but to indicate that it’s possible to see the subscribe button as a trap even if one is tech savvy and knows it has nothing to do with e.g. subscription billing. (In contrast to where the article implied people avoided the subscribe button due to not understanding it.)
This is a good example of a situation where I believe the principle of charity is being applied too strongly. The author’s claim was that it is a trap, not that it is possible to see it as a trap. The structure of that first paragraph is “Claim that it is a trap. Points about being an authority figure on the topic.” (FWIW I don’t mean any of this contentiously, just constructive criticism.)
In agreement: It is literally an argument from authority because there is no other proof given. Readers of the original comment are asked to assume the commenter is correct based on their authority and reputation.
Like pjeby, I think you missed his point. He was not arguing from authority, he was presenting himself as evidence that someone tech-savvy could still see it as a trap. His actual reason for believing it is a trap is in his reply to GWS.