Nitpick: Asimov was a member of Mensa on and off, but was highly critical of it, and didn’t like Mensans. He was an honorary vice president, not president (according Asimov, anyway.) And he wasn’t very happy about it.
Relevantly to this: “Furthermore, I became aware that Mensans, however high their paper IQ might be, were likely to be as irrational as anyone else.” (See the book “I.Asimov,” pp.379-382.) The vigor of Asimov’s distaste for Mensa as a club permeates this essay/chapter.
Nitpick it is, but Asimov deserves a better fate than having a two-sentence bio associate him with Mensa.
Nitpick: Asimov was a member of Mensa on and off, but was highly critical of it, and didn’t like Mensans. He was an honorary vice president, not president (according Asimov, anyway.) And he wasn’t very happy about it.
Relevantly to this: “Furthermore, I became aware that Mensans, however high their paper IQ might be, were likely to be as irrational as anyone else.” (See the book “I.Asimov,” pp.379-382.) The vigor of Asimov’s distaste for Mensa as a club permeates this essay/chapter.
Nitpick it is, but Asimov deserves a better fate than having a two-sentence bio associate him with Mensa.