I think the lesswrong/forummagnum takes on recsys are carrying the torch of RSS “you own your information diet” and so on—I’m wondering if we can have something like “use lightcone/CEA software to ingest substack comments, translates activity or likes into karma, and arranges/prioritizes them according to the user’s moderation philosophy”.
This does not cash out to more CCing/ingesting of substack RSS to lesswrong overall, the set of substack posts I would want to view in this way would be private from others, and I’m not necessarily interested in confabulating the cross-platform “karma” translations with more votes or trying to make it go both ways.
I think the lesswrong/forummagnum takes on recsys are carrying the torch of RSS “you own your information diet” and so on—I’m wondering if we can have something like “use lightcone/CEA software to ingest substack comments, translates activity or likes into karma, and arranges/prioritizes them according to the user’s moderation philosophy”.
This does not cash out to more CCing/ingesting of substack RSS to lesswrong overall, the set of substack posts I would want to view in this way would be private from others, and I’m not necessarily interested in confabulating the cross-platform “karma” translations with more votes or trying to make it go both ways.