Look into what has been tried (and failed) in the past.
Identify apparent reasons they failed.
Figure out the underlying patterns of failure.
See what can be done to change these patterns.
Check if that idea has been tried already (it most likely has, truly original ideas are rare).
Repeat 1 to 5 until you are satisfied that you have a truly original approach never tried before.
Write several pre-mortem scenarios.
Consider ways to mitigate the failures in 7.
Repeat 7 and 8 until you are out of ideas for failure scenarios.
Repeat 7..9 by engaging other people, highly motivated to poke holes in what you come up with.
Write a multi-player simulation of the latest and greatest and watch it fail in new and unexpected ways.
Repeat 11 until something resembling the Utopia you hope for emerges.
Look into what has been tried (and failed) in the past.
Identify apparent reasons they failed.
Figure out the underlying patterns of failure.
See what can be done to change these patterns.
Check if that idea has been tried already (it most likely has, truly original ideas are rare).
Repeat 1 to 5 until you are satisfied that you have a truly original approach never tried before.
Write several pre-mortem scenarios.
Consider ways to mitigate the failures in 7.
Repeat 7 and 8 until you are out of ideas for failure scenarios.
Repeat 7..9 by engaging other people, highly motivated to poke holes in what you come up with.
Write a multi-player simulation of the latest and greatest and watch it fail in new and unexpected ways.
Repeat 11 until something resembling the Utopia you hope for emerges.