If you’ve ever used our collaborative editing features before, you may be familiar with our link-sharing functionality, which previously only allowed users who had existing LessWrong accounts (and were logged in) to collaborate on posts. Now, link-sharing allows logged-out users to read/comment/edit as well (as per whatever permissions you set for link-sharing).
Logged-out users shouldn’t be able to edit anything about the post except the contents of the post body, publish drafts, etc.
Please let the us know via Intercom if you experience any issues with this or related functionality.
New Feature: Collaborative editing now supports logged-out users
If you’ve ever used our collaborative editing features before, you may be familiar with our link-sharing functionality, which previously only allowed users who had existing LessWrong accounts (and were logged in) to collaborate on posts. Now, link-sharing allows logged-out users to read/comment/edit as well (as per whatever permissions you set for link-sharing).
Logged-out users shouldn’t be able to edit anything about the post except the contents of the post body, publish drafts, etc.
Please let the us know via Intercom if you experience any issues with this or related functionality.