With Channukah right around the corner, it occurs to me that “Light One Candle” becomes a transhumanist/existential-risk-reduction song with just a few line edits.
Light one candle for all humankind’s children With thanks that their light didn’t die Light one candle for the pain they endured When the end of their world was surmised Light one candle for the terrible sacrifice Justice and freedom demand But light one candle for the wisdom to know When the singleton’s time is at hand
Upvoted. I’m actually really uncomfortable with the idea, too. My comment above is meant in a silly and irreverent manner (cf. last month), and the substitution for “peacemaker” was too obvious to pass up.
With Channukah right around the corner, it occurs to me that “Light One Candle” becomes a transhumanist/existential-risk-reduction song with just a few line edits.
Whether or not a singleton is the best outcome or not, I’m way too uncomfortable with the idea to be singing songs of praise about it.
Upvoted. I’m actually really uncomfortable with the idea, too. My comment above is meant in a silly and irreverent manner (cf. last month), and the substitution for “peacemaker” was too obvious to pass up.